
Restoring lives. Lifting Lesotho. Impacting the world. Together.

Examples of what donations can do.

  • $50 will provide food and toiletries to care for a trafficking survivor for one month.
  • $100 will cover the cost of life skills training for a survivor for one year.
  • $175 will cover the cost for private legal representation for one trafficking case.
  • $190 will provide for security at the crisis care shelter for victims of human trafficking for one month.
  • $250 will provide school tuition for a minor trafficking victim or secondary school aged child for an entire year.
  • $1000 will provide utilities at the anti-trafficking shelter and children’s homes for one month.
  • $7000 will provide housing for 12 orphans and 3 mothers for one year.
  • $20,000 BDS is in need of 2 new vehicles able to navigate mountain roads to transport victims of trafficking. Our current vehicles are all 16 years old.
  • Your PRICELESS gift of love will create a place where kids can enjoy all a childhood should be.

End human trafficking.